I'm Jenna Lyles and I write fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.
After taking a longer break than intended (whoops) I'm getting back into my writing groove.
You can learn a bit more about my past publications or the projects that are currently keeping me up at night below.

"Hector had been enticed to the mines just as all the boys in town inevitably were at some point or another. Even if destiny couldn't be blamed and repeating histories fell short, there would have been his bravado, still, luring him to the Alamos Mining Company the day he turned 16."

A sudden rockfall traps a coal miner underground, starting the countdown to his death.
A new epidemic induces nausea after dishonest behavior.

"The bins appeared overnight, en masse, fitted with industrial grade liners and charcoal briquettes for odor control. The bin lids were wide and conical like nón lás - back when they came with lids, anyhow - and constructed of course with bile-resistant polymers, not straw. Every one material had to resist another, or really what was the point? Not beauty, certainly. The bins clashed dreadfully everywhere they went, and they went everywhere.
They stood like sentinels on street corners, in shopping center parking lots, stippled around playgrounds with their own bag dispensary systems. The big ones were wheeled into schools and office buildings on dollies, and drilled down near drainage grates in bustling metros. Wherever people abounded, the bins cast their shadows too. They were our first real attempt to do something about the vomit."
select publications
"Mother Astir"
Poetry for Juked
"Organization Ensues"
Fiction for New Haven Review
Non-fiction for Sweet: A Literary Confection
Poetry for Typehouse Literary Magazine
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